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FEEL BAD EDUCATION(ISBN=9780807001400)书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780807001400
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2011-04
  • 页数:196
  • 价格:65.00
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  • 读书笔记:点击查看
  • 原文摘录:点击查看


  Mind-opening writing on what kids need from school, from one

of education’s most outspoken voices

Arguing that our schools are currently in the grip of a “cult of

rigor”—a confusion of harder with better that threatens to banish

both joy and meaningful intellectual inquiry from our

classrooms—Alfie Kohn issues a stirring call to rethink our

priorities and reconsider our practices.

Kohn’s latest wide-ranging collection of writings will add to his

reputation as one of the most incisive thinkers in the field, who

questions the assumptions too often taken for granted in

discussions about education and human behavior.

In nineteen recently published essays—and in a substantive

introduction, new for this volume—Kohn repeatedly invites us to

think more deeply about the conventional wisdom. Is self-discipline

always desirable? he asks, citing surprising evidence to the

contrary. Does academic cheating necessarily indicate a moral

failing? Might inspirational posters commonly found on school walls

(“Reach for the stars!”) reflect disturbing assumptions about

children? Could the use of rubrics for evaluating student learning

prove counterproductive?

Subjecting young children to homework, grades, or standardized

tests—merely because these things will be required of them

later—reminds Kohn of Monty Python’s “getting hit on the head

lessons.” And, with tongue firmly in cheek, he declares that we

should immediately begin teaching twenty-second-century


Whether Kohn is clearing up misconceptions about progressive

education or explaining why incentives for healthier living are

bound to backfire, debunking the idea that education reform should

be driven by concerns about economic competitiveness or putting

“Supernanny” in her place, his readers will understand why the

Washington Post has said that “teachers and parents who encounter

Kohn and his thoughts come away transfixed, ready to change their




“Well, Duh!”: Obvious Truths That We Shouldn’t Be Ignoring


One: Progressivism and Beyond

1. Progressive Education: Why It’s Hard to Beat, But Also Hard to


2. Challenging Students—and How to Have More of Them

3. Getting Hit on the Head Lessons


Two: The Nuts and Bolts of Learning

4. It’s Not What We Teach; It’s What They Learn

5. Who’s Cheating Whom?

6. How to Create Nonreaders: Reflections on Motivation, Learning,

and Sharing Power

7. The Trouble with Rubrics


Three: Climate & Connections: How Does School Feel to the


8. The Value of Negative Learning

9. Unconditional Teaching

10. Safety from the Inside Out

11. Bad Signs


Four: The Big Picture: Education Policy

12. Feel-Bad Education: The Cult of Rigor and the Loss of Joy

13. Against “Competitiveness”

14. When Twenty-First-Century Schooling Just Isn’t Good Enough: A

Modest Proposal

15. Debunking the Case for National Standards


Five: Beyond the Schools: Psychological Issues &


16. Atrocious Advice from Supernanny

17. Parental Love with Strings Attached

18. Why Self-Discipline Is Overrated: The (Troubling) Theory and

Practice of Control from Within

19. Cash Incentives Won’t Make Us Healthier





  Alfie Kohn’s previous eleven books include

Punished by Rewards, Unconditional Parenting, and

What Does It Mean to Be Well Educated? (Beacon / 3267-1 /

$16.00 pb). He speaks widely on education to teachers and

parents, and lives in Belmont, Massachusetts.











Mind-opening writing on what kids need from school, from one of education’s most outspoken voices

Arguing that our schools are currently in the grip of a “cult of rigor”—a confusion of harder with better that threatens to banish both joy and meaningful intellectual inquiry from our classrooms—Alfie Kohn issues a stirring call to rethink our priorities and reconsider our practices.

Kohn’s latest wide-ranging collection of writings will add to his reputation as one of the most incisive thinkers in the field, who questions the assumptions too often taken for granted in discussions about education and human behavior.

In nineteen recently published essays—and in a substantive introduction, new for this volume—Kohn repeatedly invites us to think more deeply about the conventional wisdom. Is self-discipline always desirable? he asks, citing surprising evidence to the contrary. Does academic cheating necessarily indicate a moral failing? Might inspirational posters commonly found on school walls (“Reach for the stars!”) reflect disturbing assumptions about children? Could the use of rubrics for evaluating student learning prove counterproductive?

Subjecting young children to homework, grades, or standardized tests—merely because these things will be required of them later—reminds Kohn of Monty Python’s “getting hit on the head lessons.” And, with tongue firmly in cheek, he declares that we should immediately begin teaching twenty- second -century skills.

Whether Kohn is clearing up misconceptions about progressive education or explaining why incentives for healthier living are bound to backfire, debunking the idea that education reform should be driven by concerns about economic competitiveness or putting “Supernanny” in her place, his readers will understand why the Washington Post has said that “teachers and parents who encounter Kohn and his thoughts come away transfixed, ready to change their schools.”


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  • 情感共鸣:3分

  • 引人入胜:7分

  • 现实相关:7分

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