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本书系统地介绍了眼科学的基本知识,包括眼科的解剖、生理、眼科学检查法和各种眼科疾病的诊断与治 疗等。内容简明易懂,图文并茂,适合作为临床医学专业本科生中英文双语教学、留学生英文教学、硕士研究 生和博士研究生教学的眼科学教材。本书也可以作为其他医学相关专业学生和青年医生学习眼科学的参考 教材。
1. anatomy of the eyeball..........................1 anatomy 1 development of eye 4 development of ocular adnexa 7 bibliography 8 review questions 8 2. physiology of the eye ............................9 corneal transparency 9 aqueous humor 9 physiology of vision 11 theories of color vision 14 metabolism of ocular tissues 14 bibliography 16 review questions 16 3. neurology of vision............................. 17 visual pathway 17 pupillary pathways and reactions 18 examination of pupil 20 bibliography 20 review questions 20 4. elementary optics ............................... 21 light 21 reflection of light 21 refraction of light 23 dispersion of light 23 bibliography 25 review questions 25 5. physiological optics............................. 26 reduced eye 26 causes of ametropia 27 aberration in retinal images 28 bibliography 28 review questions 28 6. errors of refraction ............................. 29 ametropia 29 myopia 29 hyperopia (hypermetropia) 32 astigmatism 35 anisometropia 36 asthenopia 37 bibliography 37 review questions 37 7. determination of the refraction .........38 autorefractometer 38 retinoscopy 38 keratometry (ophthalmometry) 40 subjective verification of refraction 41 correction of near vision 43 prescription of spectacles 44 contact lenses 45 bibliography 47 review questions 47 8. accommodation and its anomalies .......48 accommodation 48 anomalies of accommodation 49 bibliography 53 review questions 53 9. examination of the eye and diagnostic procedures...54 history taking 54 examination of the eye 55 examination of retinal functions 76 ancillary diagnostic procedures 82 bibliography 88 review questions 88 10. ocular therapeutics............................. 89 choice of antimicrobial agent 90 drug delivery system 90 chemotherapy 92 antibiotics 93 antifungal agents 98 antiviral agents 99 anti-inflammatory drugs 100 nonsteroidal anti-inflammatorydrugs (nsaids) 101 antiallergic agents 102 immunosuppressive agents 102 drugs acting upon intraocular muscles 103 antiglaucoma drugs 104 antimetabolites 107 anti-vascular endothelial growth factor agents 107 viscoelastic substances 108 ocular side effects of systemic drugs 109 bibliography 110 review questions 110 11. diseases of the conjunctiva ............... 111 anatomy 111 symptomatic conditions of the conjunctiva 113 inflammation of the conjunctiva(conjunctivitis) 116 degenerative changes in the conjunctiva 137 cysts and tumors of the conjunctiva 139 bibliography 142 review questions 142 12. diseases of the cornea .......................143 anatomy 143 diseases of the cornea 144 inflammation of the cornea 145 ulcerative keratitis 145 nonulcerative keratitis 154 degenerative conditions of the cornea 164 hereditary corneal dystrophies 165 congenital anomalies of the cornea 170 symptomatic conditions of the cornea 171 operations upon the cornea 174 bibliography 176 review questions 176 13. diseases of the sclera .........................177 anatomy 177 inflammation of the sclera 178 staphylomas 181 pigmentation of sclera 182 bibliography 183 review questions 183 14. diseases of the uveal tract ................184 anatomy 184 diseases of the uveal tract 186 inflammation of the uveal tract (uveitis) 186 degenerative changes in the uveal tract 207 congenital anomalies of the uveal tract 208 neoplastic disorders 209 operations upon the iris 209 bibliography 210 review questions 210 15. glaucoma.............................................211 anatomy of the angle 212 classification of glaucomas 213 developmental glaucoma(primary congenital glaucomas) 213 primary open-angle glaucoma 216 primary angle-closure glaucoma 231 secondary glaucomas 238 bibliography 247 review questions 247 16. diseases of the lens .......................... 248 anatomy 248 diseases of the lens 250 cataract 250 surgery for senile cataract 263 dislocation and subluxation of lens 277 aphakia 279 after cataract or secondary cataract 281 congenital anomalies of the lens 281 bibliography 282 review questions 282 17. diseases of the vitreous .................... 283 anatomy 283 diseases of the vitreous 284 pars plana surgery 287 bibliography 287 review questions 287 18. diseases of the retina ....................... 288 anatomy 288 diseases of the retina 289 macular dystrophies 310 new formations in the retina 311 detachment of the retina 312 bibliography 316 review questions 316 19. diseases of the optic nerve...............317 anatomy of optic nerve 317 diseases of optic nerve 318 tumors of optic nerve 329 bibliography 329 review questions 329 20. lesions of the visual pathway........... 330 lesions of the visual pathway 330symptomatic visual disturbances 334 bibliography 337 review questions 337 21. intraocular tumors ............................ 338 tumors of the iris 338 tumor of the ciliary body 339 tumors of the choroid 339 retinoblastoma 342 enucleation of the eyeball 346 exenteration of the orbit 347 metastatic tumors 347 bibliography 348 review questions 348 22. injury to the eye................................. 349 ocular injuries 349 extraocular foreign bodies 350 blunt trauma 351 fracture of the orbit 357 penetrating injuries 358 sympathetic ophthalmitis 366 chemical injuries 367 injury by physical agents 370 bibliography 371 review questions 371 23. disorders of ocular motility: strabismus ... 372anatomy of extraocular muscles 372 ocular movements 374 neurogenic control of binocular movements 377 binocular vision 378 strabismus (squint) 380incomitant strabismus 381restrictive strabismus 384 comitant strabismus 385 strabismus surgery 393 nystagmus 395 bibliography 396review questions 396 24. diseases of the lids........................... 397 anatomy 397 congenital anomalies of the lids 399 edema of the lids 400 inflammation of the lids 400 inflammation of the glands of the lids 403 deformities of the lid margin and palpebral aperture 405 tumors of the lids 414 bibliography 417 review questions 417 25. diseases of the lacrimal apparatus .....418 anatomy 418 diseases of the lacrimal gland 419 precorneal tear film 421 dry eye syndrome 422 diseases of the lacrimal passage 425 diseases of the lacrimal sac 427 surgeries on the lacrimal passage 429 tumors of the lacrimal sac 432bibliography 432 review questions 432 26. diseases of the orbit ......................... 433 anatomy 433 diseases of the orbit 435 congenital and developmental anomalies of the orbit 435 inflammatory diseases of the orbit 436 proptosis 443 enophthalmos 446 tumors of the orbit 446 orbital trauma 451 orbital vascular lesions 453 bibliography 455 review questions 455 27. cryotherapy and laser therapy in ophthalmology ...... 456 cryotherapy 456 laser therapy 458 bibliography 460 review questions 461 28. ocular manifestations of diseasesof the central nervous system..... 462 inflammatory diseases 463 demyelinating diseases 464 vascular disorders 467 head injuries 473 intracranial tumors 473 disorders of cranial nerves 478 phakomatoses(neurocutaneous syndromes) 480 hereditary and degenerative diseases 481 bibliography 484 review questions 484 29. ocular manifestations ofsystemic disorders...... 485 infective diseases 486 acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 489 parasitic infestations 490 collagen diseases 491 respiratory disorders 493 inborn errors of metabolism 493 muscular disorders 495 skin diseases 496 hematological disorders 497 vascular disorders 497 renal disorders 498 endocrine disorders 498 nutritional deficiencies 499 bibliography 500 review questions 500 30. ophthalmic instruments.....................501 instruments 502 surgical instrument sets 516 cleaning of ophthalmic instruments 530 sterilization of ophthalmic instruments 530 sterilization of operation theater 531 bibliography 531 review questions 531 31. practical ophthalmology ................... 532 long clinical cases 533 short clinical cases 533 part i: model cases 534 long clinical cases 535 short clinical cases 564 part ii: darkroom examination 598 part iii: ophthalmic instruments and their uses 606 part iv: general viva voce 613 bibliography 626 32. local anesthesia for ocular surgery ............................... 627 anesthesia 627 bibliography 630 review questions 630
本书系统地介绍了眼科学的基本知识,包括眼科的解剖、生理、眼科学检查法和各种眼科疾病的诊断与治 疗等。内容简明易懂,图文并茂,适合作为临床医学专业本科生中英文双语教学、留学生英文教学、硕士研究 生和博士研究生教学的眼科学教材。本书也可以作为其他医学相关专业学生和青年医生学习眼科学的参考 教材。
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