2022雅思阅读120篇 剑桥雅思英语考试题库真题还原 华研外语IELTS 可搭雅思真题口语词汇写作 下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子版 mobi 在线

2022雅思阅读120篇 剑桥雅思英语考试题库真题还原 华研外语IELTS 可搭雅思真题口语词汇写作精美图片
》2022雅思阅读120篇 剑桥雅思英语考试题库真题还原 华研外语IELTS 可搭雅思真题口语词汇写作电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《

2022雅思阅读120篇 剑桥雅思英语考试题库真题还原 华研外语IELTS 可搭雅思真题口语词汇写作书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9787519272739
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2020-01
  • 页数:暂无页数
  • 价格:42.70
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
  • 豆瓣短评:点击查看
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1. 雅思阅读高频主题词汇12类;2. 题源阅读记单词30篇;3. 11类阅读语法难点讲解;4. 3大应试技巧和5大题型答题策略;5. 90篇机经阅读真题和答案详解(附全文翻译和同义替换总结);6. 9堂视频课程,同步讲解书中知识要点。



Part 1 雅思阅读考试概述





Part 2 基础篇:词汇与语法


1. 历史文明

2. 生物科学

3. 自然环境

4. 教育学习

5. 文化与艺术

6. 科技发展

7. 交通出行

8. 经济与管理

9. 工农与建筑

10. 医疗与健康

11. 心理研究

12. 社会生活


1. 我们如何创造记忆、回忆往事和忘却记忆?

2. 基因组学:一场医疗改革?

3. 吃素的鲨鱼让科学家们震惊

4. 银河系将要撞向它的邻居

5. 印度正面临历史性的水危机

6. 甜蜜的生活:糖的故事

7. 发掘冰岛遗产

8. 聪明的鱼活得 久

9. 为什么海水上涨速度不一样?

10. 原住民的语言正在消亡吗?

11. 未来的购物

12. 地中海——第二个“死海”?

13. 睡懒觉和睡眠不足

14. 生物多样性的消失影响粮食供应

15. 科幻小说如何帮助我们摆脱混凝土建筑?

16. 迪士尼成为好莱坞霸主

17. 女性的心脏问题

18. 不劳而获并不会减少我们的工作时间

19. 髋部手术无法帮助安迪·穆雷

20. 人工智能可以预防暴力犯罪的发生吗?

21. Alexa公司的学习方式

22. 人工智能大挑战

23. 精神分裂症和肠道系统

24. 吃得健康与饮食失调

25. 欣赏变老这件事的两面

26. 我们的大脑是如何把声音转化为音乐的?

27. 珍·古道尔:真正的森林女王

28. 神经科学与商业

29. 神经网络“黑匣子”

30. 情绪劳动是如何伤害我们的?


讲座1 如何读懂长难句?

讲座2 非谓语动词

讲座3 定语从句

讲座4 名词性从句

讲座5 状语从句

讲座6 并列平行结构

讲座7 同位成分和插入语

讲座8 复杂修饰语

讲座9 比较结构

讲座10 倒装

讲座11 虚拟语气

Part 3 技能篇:应试技巧


1. 利用专业性词汇定位

2. 利用句子成分结构,猜测生词的词性

3. 利用构词法和常见词根词缀猜词义

4. 利用上下文语境猜词义


1. 数字、比例的同义替换

2. 同近义词、反义词、上义词的同义替换

3. 同根词的同义替换

4. 句式的同义替换

5. 逻辑语义的同义替换

6. 同义替换练习


1. 识别代词的指代

2. 识别肯定与否定

3. 识别句子弦外之音


1. 匹配题

2. 填空题

3. 判断题

4. 选择题

5. 简答题

Part 4 实战篇:雅思阅读真题还原

Test 1—Test 30


Test 1—Test 30 答案详解


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The Olympic TorchSince 776 B.C., when the Greek people held their first-ever Olympic Games, the Games were hosted every four years at the Olympia city. Back then, a long journey for the Olympic torch was made before the opening ceremony of each Olympic Games. The Greek people would light a cauldron of flames on the altar, a ritual devoted to Hera, the Greek Goddess of birth and marriage.The reintroduction of flame to the Olympics occurred at the Amsterdam 1928 Games, for which a cauldron was lit yet without a torch relay. The 1936 Berlin Summer Games held the first Olympic torch relay, which was not resumed in the Winter Olympics until in 1952. However, in that year the torch was lit not in Olympia, Greece, but in Norway, which was considered as the birthplace of skiing. Until the Innsbruck 1964 Winter Olympics in Austria, the Olympic flame was reignited at Olympia.The torch is originally an abstract concept of a designer or groups of designers. A couple of design groups hand in their drafts to the Olympic Committee in the hope that they would get the chance to create the torch. The group that wins the competition will come up with a design for a torch that has both aesthetic and practical value. After the torch is completed, it has to succeed in going through all sorts of severe weather conditions. The appearance of the modern Olympic torch is attributed to a Disney artist John Hench, who designed the torch for the 1960 Winter Olympics in Squaw Valley, California. His design laid a solid foundation for all the torches in the future.The long trip to the Olympic area is not completed by one single torch, but by thousands of them, so the torch has to be replicated many times. Approximately 10,000 to 15,000 torches are built to fit thousands of runners who take the torches through every section of the Olympic relay. Every single runner can choose to buy his or her torch as a treasurable souvenir when he or she finishes his or her part of the relay.The first torch in the modern Olympics (the 1936 Berlin Games) was made from a slender steel rod with a circular platform at the top and a circular hole in the middle to jet flames. The name of the runner was also inscribed on the platform as a token of thanks. In the earlier days, torches used everything from gunpowder to olive oil as fuels. Some torches adopted a combination of hexamine and naphthalene with a flammable fluid. However, these materials weren’t exactly the ideal fuel sources, and they could be quite hazardous sometimes. In the 1956 Olympics, the torch in the final relay was ignited by magnesium and aluminium, but some flaming pieces fell off and seared the runner’s arms.






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